AIT - The Ninja Tots Program


AIT - The Ninja Tots Program

  • Young children have different needs to adults and older children. There are things that a young child will not understand owing to their young age such as words that are unfamiliar and concepts such as past & future.
  • Our goal with Ninja Tots is to help children and their parents to set their child on a firm path of personal development through the medium of martial arts training.
  • AEGIS Martial Arts & Leadership Training will teach your child how to improve in 5 key areas that are essential for them to grow into happy and well balanced adults. The key to this is to introduce them early on to the important point of what it takes to become a well balanced person.
  • There are some skills and behaviours that they need to develop which will set them on this firm path to future success in life; these include social and communication skills, thinking skills, language skills and motor skill development.
  • At very young ages there are greater differences between children who are separated by only 5 or 6 months in age. Our instructors understand this and are trained to get the best from each child.
  • AEGIS Ninja Tots training will help children to develop and help parents to understand how to help their child to become the best they can be.