Investing Preview

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Investing Preview

The term "Investing" is widely used, and widely surrounded by fear, anxiety, and doubt. Most individuals feel uneasy about the idea of investing their hard earned cash due to the possibility of loss. While humans are indeed very adverse to loss, investing is a process and a method that can help you feel at ease later in life. Investing is not a difficult subject. In fact, many economists claim that Investing is an easier idea to grasp than some high school courses. So, why is there so much uneasiness surrounding the idea? And how can we learn that the concept is not all that hard? 

Financial Sisterhood's Investing 101 course will walk you through the basics of investing from what it is, to why you should invest, and to some of the most important pieces of the puzzle that make up your investment portfolio. To make it the easiest lesson you will ever learn, we compare the concept of investing side by side to something we all do everyday.