The 5 Key Concepts of AEGIS


The 5 Key Concepts of AEGIS

AEGIS, FLITE, RADAR, DELTA and PHASE are our key concepts and this document aims to connect them together into a congruent system which enables us achieve our life goals. Some of the concepts you will use more than others but they are all being used. The AEGIS laws are at the very core of everything we do in our system. In combat specifically and in life globally. Everything else is about using the laws.

At this point we want to get an idea of how all the laws can fit together by briefly examining each of the 5 key concepts starting with AEGIS itself. This is not by any means exhaustive but should be enough to get you started.

PHASE is a system whereby we utilise AEGIS laws and apply them to achieve life balance. PHASE is an acronym which stands for Physicality Harmonised with Acuity Spirituality & Emotion, in other words the 5 intelligences of heart, mind, body, spirit and balance which in turn are the laws of Emotion, Game Plan, Implementation, Spirit and Balance.