The moment when the love of your life gets down on his knees and asks, Will You Marry Me? is magical and life-changing. Harry’s words in the classic film When Harry Met Sally, sums this up perfectly: When you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
From a public declaration of love at a sporting event to a romantic candle-lit dinner for two, the list of proposal scenarios is endless. What follows is a deluge of decisions: What will be the theme of the wedding? How many bridesmaids will I have? Should I invite my second cousin, Irene? And most importantly, Where will we have our honeymoon?
Not sure whether you want to walk along sun-drenched beaches, sip a fine wine or explore a new and exciting city? Take the cheeky quiz below and find out!