E-learning center

Welcome to our e-learning center! Read insightful articles about the basics of e-learning. What is it? What are the advantages? And more specifically, how can I introduce it in my organization? Read, learn, and use the tips and tricks provided!

  • Online learning vs. traditional learning

    The debate between online learning versus traditional education grows each year. The Corona crisis made it even more relevant, as employees in many countries were forced to work from home. So, suddenly all the learning activities had to take place online. But is it a good substitute for traditional learning? Let’s have a look at the differences, similarities, and conclude who the winner is!

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  • Is online learning as good as face-to-face learning?

    In the not-so-distant past, face-to-face learning was the only choice. But now, with the rise of technology, online learning is rapidly becoming more and more popular. Despite this, you might still have some doubts about its effectiveness. Before jumping aboard the e-learning ship, take some time to learn how online learning holds up against traditional face-to-face methods, and see if it is right for your organization. 

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  • Advantages and disadvantages of online learning

    Offering online learning is a great, revolutionary alternative to traditional training. And corporations have taken notice. In fact, up to 90% of corporations use a form of online learning today, compared to just 4% in 1995. And the e-learning market is predicted to grow another 8% by 2026! Not sure about jumping on the e-learning bandwagon just yet? Before replacing traditional learning with online learning at your consultancy or training company, carefully weigh its benefits and drawbacks.

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  • Effectiveness of online learning

    Is online learning as effective as face to face learning? How can you make sure your students will learn just as much (or more) with online courses without you being physically present to check up on them?

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  • Best practices for online learning

    Now that you know that online learning has a lot of advantages, let’s take a look at some of the best practices when it comes to it. Is there a good and a bad way to do it? What should you take into consideration before starting an online learning program?

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  • What is blended learning?

     If you have been searching for e-learning methods and best practices, you might have heard about blended learning. Blended learning can be defined as the combination of traditional learning methods with modern ones. Let’s take a deeper look at the definition and meaning of blended learning. We will also explore blended learning models, techniques, and how to apply them to your organization.

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  • Blended learning advantages and disadvantages

    Blended learning combines modern learning technologies with traditional learning methods. Like any learning method, blended learning comes with unique benefits and drawbacks that are important to consider when adopting a blended learning approach. Let’s explore them.

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  • What is effective e-learning? Tips and tricks for creating effective e-learning!

    As with all learning material, its effectiveness depends strongly on its quality. Anyone can make e-learning material, but making it effective is different. So, let's zoom in on the variables that make your e-learning effective!

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  • 5 tips for effective e-learning courses

    Literally everyone can create an e-learning course as long as they can write and know how to use a computer. But making an effective e-learning course is entirely different altogether. Nevertheless, there are enough tips and tricks on the internet to help you out. The only problem with those tips and tricks is they are so obvious. That’s why we give you five tips that will really help so that you can boost the effectiveness of your e-learning course regardless of the material or curriculum.

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  • 6 principles to follow for effective e-learning

    E-learning is an important topic to get to grips with as the world becomes increasingly digital. Effective e-learning courses will help you feel more knowledgeable on any subject. Building online material around these six principles will create a user-centered, motivating, and personal e-learning environment [1].

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  • Why your e-learners need to work in flow

    Do you know that feeling when you are totally absorbed in a task and time passes by without you noticing? This is known as a state of flow. Being in a state of flow paves the way for deep work, a style of work that requires complete focus on a difficult task. We are much more capable than we think of working through a task in a flow state. Learning tools need to be designed with flow in mind to allow deep work to be done.

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  • Go micro! Microlearning benefits and drawbacks

    Microlearning is a different approach from traditional long-form e-learning courses, with their endless streams of written information. These longer e-learning courses are beginning to lose popularity as Generation Z steps into the workforce. Microlearning offers a solution with a bite-sized approach to e-learning, which suits our shortening attention spans. While often useful, this new style has drawbacks and won’t be suitable for every topic you may want to teach.

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  • Gamechanger or not: is microlearning effective?

    Microlearning is the future of learning. This online learning method delivers educational content in small, bite-sized chunks, typically in the form of short videos or interactive modules. It fits perfectly with the current trend, where everything has to be short and fast. But does it deliver the same learning results as, for example, ‘traditional’ e-learning or face-to-face learning? Let’s explore the effectiveness of microlearning.

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  • Microlearning for sales

    Microlearning is often lauded as the future of learning. Online learning technologies make it possible for learning processes to be broken into small bite-sized chunks. This approach can be a gamechanger in our modern, fast-paced world. The results speak for themselves.

    While microlearning isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to education, it shines in some contexts like sales training and other on-the-job skillsets. There is a growing interest in microlearning from coaches and trainers in the sales industry.

    Let’s unpack how microlearning for sales can change sales teams for the better.

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  • Deep work in a distracted world

    We live in a distracted world. It’s not only our evenings that are ruled by apps built to shorten our attention spans and disrupt our downtime. Workplaces are increasingly designed to interrupt any stretch of concentrated work. Co-working spaces with moveable furniture take away individual agency to think and work deeply on a subject. Deep work is a phenomenon that opposes our world of shallow work. It’s about hard focus for long periods, with astounding results. As learning moves online, e-learning Courses must reflect a deep work approach to get the best out of their learners.

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