LMS center

Welcome to our LMS center. Read insightful articles about the basics of an LMS. What is an LMS? How can you use an LMS? And why should you use an LMS? Read, learn, and use the tips and tricks provided!

  • What is SCORM?

    Have you heard of the term SCORM? If you are evaluating different learning management systems (LMSs), you might have come across this term. To put it simply, SCORM enables you to share and transfer content between different learning management systems easily. It’s essential to understand what SCORM means to decide if it is a deal-breaker when it comes to choosing an LMS for your organization. Spoiler alert: we don’t think so!

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  • What is Mobile Learning (m-learning)?

    Nowadays, our smartphone is glued to our hands. We use it for everything. Communicating with friends and family, online shopping, ordering food, playing games, and so on. Should we also use smartphones for learning? Mobile learning is a new way to access learning content via mobile devices. Let's dive into the secrets and hidden treasures of mobile learning and discuss the advantages & disadvantages.

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  • 5 Key security features every online learning management system must have

    Most companies are perfectly aware of the need to protect user data. However, it is never actually a top priority because it is a rather abstract, unsexy topic. In the online learning management system industry, a turnaround is visible. More and more LMSs are bringing security measures and procedures settings. They should, considering that by 2029, over $40 billion will be circulating in the industry. Discover the essential security features for safeguarding user privacy in this booming industry! 

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  • ISO 27001 certified LMS

    Data, data, and more data—it's everywhere! With so much information at our fingertips, the responsibility to protect it has never been greater. This is especially true for LMS platforms, which store sensitive data like exam results, email addresses, and passwords. You definitely don't want this kind of information falling into the wrong hands. That's why securing this data is a top priority. LMS platforms aim to be GDPR compliant and ideally ISO 27001 certified. But what does this last certification mean? And why is it so important? Dive into this article to find out!

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  • Why use LMS certification features?

    When individuals embark on a course, their motivations often run deep — whether it’s the thrill of acquiring new knowledge or the desire to showcase their competencies. This is where learning management system (LMS) certifications come into play, acting as the gold stars of the educational realm. These certifications proudly signify a learner’s achievements, providing tangible proof of their readiness to excel in the workplace. In this guide, we’ll delve into the features of LMS certifications, their significance, and how to leverage them effectively.

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