LMS center

Welcome to our LMS center. Read insightful articles about the basics of an LMS. What is an LMS? How can you use an LMS? And why should you use an LMS? Read, learn, and use the tips and tricks provided!

  • What is a learning management system?

    Internet companies sure seem to like their abbreviations. They sound so professional: SaaS, Cloud, ERP, LMS ... What is that LMS that people keep bringing up in business meetings? We will explain what LMS means and how you can use one in your organization. It's actually quite simple and it can make you a lot more efficient.

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  • Learning management system use case examples

    Learning management systems (LMS) boost employee skills and enhance student engagement, among other things. Companies that use learning management systems often leave glowing reviews. They report significant savings in time and money as well as scalable learning systems. But what do these systems actually do that makes such a big difference?

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  • What is a cloud-based (SaaS) LMS?

    Okay, you’ve made the decision. You want to introduce a Learning Management System for your organization. However, the next question is whether it should be a cloud-based 'SaaS' or a hosted learning management system. There are significant differences between the two, and choosing one over the other has several implications for your organization. Be wise, buy wisely 😀.

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  • Types of LMS

    Now we know what an LMS is, why you should use an LMS and how to evaluate an LMS. Let's look at learning management systems from a different perspective. What are the types of learning management systems?

    In this article we're going to talk about the different LMS systems.

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  • Why use an LMS

    Why should I use a learning management system? Why not old fashioned paper training material and exams? And red pens to correct the answers? Well, if you're responsible for the training in your company or your organisation, you know what a hassle old fashioned paper brings along. 

    Don't know what an LMS is? Read what lms means first.

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  • Importance and objectives of an LMS

    In today’s fast-paced work environment, organizations and companies need to keep their team up to speed with the latest trends and methods for each industry. How can you train your team effectively, and at a low cost? That’s possible with an LMS. Let's talk about the purpose of learning management systems.

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  • LMS Evaluation Checklist

    What to look for in an LMS? You're looking into a new LMS and don't know where to start? We have a handy checklist to help you discuss with your team and choose the LMS that suits your needs best.

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  • LMS requirements checklist

    You want to implement a learning management system. What are the requirements for an LMS? What is essential to do accomplish that? You’re on the right page to figure out what you’ll need! You’ll learn what is needed for learners as well as for the person who is creating the learning management system.

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  • Switching to a new LMS

    There are many reasons why you might decide to look for a new learning management system (LMS). Maybe your current solution is outdated, cumbersome, or difficult to use, and you are looking for something simpler. When you know it’s time to make the switch, what should you consider when choosing your organization’s new LMS?

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  • LMS Pricing Models

    As you can imagine, different LMS vendors have different pricing models. The problem is often that pricing models keep the vendor in mind rather than their customers. We'll review the different LMS pricing models to help you make an informed decision about which LMS price model suits you best. Disclaimer: we're pretty biased. While reading, we think you'll guess which one we prefer.

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  • LMS gamification

    The meaning of LMS gamification and some advantages of "LMS Gamification" will be explained.

    Learning and gaming at the same time. What sounds better than that? Gamification is more than just playing games. The name gamification suggests that it’s only about playing videogames. In fact it doesn’t have to involve playing games at all. You may be flabbergasted right now. But what does LMS gamification mean? It means that you apply the concept of game design to non-game applications.

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  • LMS trends

    In this article, we will consider some trends regarding online learning platforms. Today's society is becoming more and more automated and as indicated by their increasing popularity, learning management systems are no exception. Their use is not limited to education as they can be used in business settings as well. What are some of the trends surrounding Learning Management Systems?

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  • History of LMS

    The history of learning management systems is a short history. Learning management system (LMS) has become increasingly attractive in the past few years. Technical innovations have redefined the teaching learning process. It all started in 1924 by the invention of the teaching machine. Slowly more inventions came on the market. From that moment on one invention after the other invention was born. I can’t give you all invention of learning management systems, otherwise your head will explode ;-)

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  • LMS vs LCMS

    Earlier we explained what an LMS is. We now are going to zoom in on the differences between an LMS and an LCMS.

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  • CMS vs LMS

    Content management system (CMS) and learning management system (LMS) are two different systems with different options. E-learning is something we see more and more. What kind of system is better to use? CMS or LMS? You can use a more passive system or a system where learners are actively involved. This article describes the differences between CMS and LMS.

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